Aaron Tucker
The Wonder of the Incarnation
Philippians 2:5-11
Lie down… dead. Get up… alive.
In the Past: Jesus LAID DOWN his life and died for all sins… and GOT UP alive!
In the Present: The Christian LAYS DOWN her old life… and GETS UP a new person.
In the Future: We will LIE DOWN and die… and GET UP to meet with Jesus.
In the End: Jesus will return, and all Christians will LAY DOWN their mortal bodies… and GET UP with a spiritual body that will live forever with Christ in heaven.
Here is a link to download the sermon notes and additional verses. https://bit.ly/49kaBMW
Aaron Tucker
Philippians 2:5-11
Aaron Tucker
Aaron Tucker
Mike Brister
Mark 14:27-31
Mark 14:66-72
Mark 16:4-7